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Peer-reviewed journal publications of HErZ Cologne/Bonn/Tübingen

  • Bel­louin, N, Quaas, J., Gryspeerdt, E., Kinne, S., Sti­er, P., Wat­son-Par­ris, D., Bouch­er, O., Carslaw, K.S., Chris­tensen, M., Dani­au, A.-L., Dufresne, J.-L., Fein­gold, G., Fiedler, S., Forster, P., Get­tel­man, A., Hay­wood, J. M., Lohmann, U., Malavelle, F., Mau­rit­sen, T., McCoy, D.T., Myhre, G., Mül­men­städt, J., Neubauer, D., Poss­ner, A., Rugen­stein, M., Sato, Y., Schulz, M., Schwartz, S.E., Sour­de­val, O., Storelv­mo, T., Toll, V., Winker, D., and Stevens, B. (2020): Bound­ing glob­al aerosol radia­tive forc­ing of cli­mate change, Reviews of Geo­physics, 58(1), e2019RG000660,
  • Böhm, C., Rey­ers, M., Schween, J.H. and Crewell, S. (2020): Water vapor vari­abil­i­ty in the Ata­ca­ma Desert dur­ing the 20th cen­tu­ry, Glob­al and Plan­e­tary Change, 190, 103192,
  • Böhm, C., Schween, J. H., Rey­ers, M., Maier, B., Löh­n­ert, U., and Crewell, S. (2021): Towards a cli­ma­tol­ogy of fog fre­quen­cy in the Ata­ca­ma Desert via mul­ti-spec­tral satel­lite data and machine learn­ing tech­niques, Jour­nal of Applied Mete­o­rol­o­gy and Cli­ma­tol­ogy,–0208.1
  • Buschow, S., and Friederichs, P. (2021): Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of bound­ary lay­er wind pat­terns in COSMO-REA2 using clear-air radar echoes, Geo­sci­en­tif­ic Mod­el Devel­op­ment 14, 6765–6780,–6765-2021
  • Buschow, S., and Friederichs, P. (2020): Using wavelets to ver­i­fy the scale struc­ture of pre­cip­i­ta­tion fore­casts, Advances in Sta­tis­ti­cal Cli­ma­tol­ogy, Mete­o­rol­o­gy and Oceanog­ra­phy, 6, 13–30,‑6–13-2020
  • Can­talloube, F. J. Mil­li, C. Böhm, S. Crewell, J. Navar­rete, K. Rehfeld, M. Sarazin, and A. Som­mani (2020): The impact of cli­mate change on astro­nom­i­cal obser­va­tions, Nature Astron­o­my, 4, 826–829,‑1203‑3
  • Cimi­ni, D. et al. includ­ing U. Löh­n­ert (2020): Towards the pro­fil­ing of the atmos­pher­ic bound­ary lay­er at Euro­pean scale—introducing the COST Action PROBE, Bul­letin of Atmos­pher­ic Sci­ence and Tech­nol­o­gy, 1(1), 23–42,–00003‑8
  • Dhi­tal, S., Kaplan, M. L., Orza, J. A. G., and Fiedler, S. (2020): Atmos­pher­ic Dynam­ics of a Saha­ran Dust Out­break over Min­de­lo, Cape Verde Islands Pre­ced­ed by Ross­by Wave Break-
    ing: Mul­ti-scale Obser­va­tion­al Analy­ses and Sim­u­la­tions
    , Jour­nal of Geo­phys­i­cal Research: Atmos­phere, 125(18), e2020JD032975(Colin War­den Award win­ning paper, Desert Research Insti­tute, USA),
  • Dhi­tal, S., Kaplan, M. L., Orza, J. A., and Fiedler, S. (2021): Pole­ward Trans­port of African Dust to the Iber­ian Penin­su­la Orga­nized by a Bar­ri­er Jet and Hydraulic Jumps: Obser­va­tions and High-Res­o­lu­tion Sim­u­la­tion Analy­ses, Atmos­pher­ic Envi­ron­ment, 261, 118574,
  • Fiedler, S., and Soko­lik, I. (2019): Desert-Dust Aerosols, Ref­er­ence Mod­ule in Earth Sys­tems  and Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ences,‑0–12-409548–9.12413–3
  • Fiedler, S., Crueger, T., D’Agostino, R., Peters, K., Beck­er, T., Leutwyler, D., Pac­ci­ni, L., Bur­danowitz, J., B ̈uhler, S., Cortes, A. U., Dauhut, T., Dom­menget, D., Fraedrich, K., Jun­gan­dreas, L., Maher, N., Nau­mann, A. K., Rugen­stein, M., Sakradz­i­ja, M., Schmidt, H., Siel­mann, F., Stephan, C., Timm­reck, C., Zhu, X., and Stevens, B. (2020): Sim­u­lat­ed trop­i­cal pre­cip­i­ta­tion assessed across three major phas­es of the Cou­pled Mod­el Inter­com­par­i­son Project (CMIP), Month­ly Weath­er Review, 148(9), 3653–3680,–0404.1
  • Fiedler, S., Wyser, K., Rogelj, J. and van Noi­je, T. (2021): Radia­tive effects of reduced aerosolemis­sions dur­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and the future recov­ery, Atmos­pher­ic Research, 264,
  • Fiedler, S., and Putrasa­han, D. (2021): How does the North Atlantic SST pat­tern respond to anthro­pogenic aerosols in the 1970s and 2000s?, Geo­phys­i­cal Research Let­ters, 48, e2020GL092142,
  • Frank, C., S. Fiedler, S. Crewell (2020): Bal­anc­ing poten­tial of nat­ur­al vari­abil­i­ty and extremes in pho­to­volta­ic and wind ener­gy pro­duc­tion for Euro­pean coun­tries, Renew­able Ener­gy, 163, 674–684,
  • Frank, C. et al. includ­ing Crewell, S., Hense, A., Keller, J. D., Wahl, S. (2020): The added val­ue of high res­o­lu­tion region­al reanaly­ses for wind pow­er appli­ca­tions, Renew­able Ener­gy,
    148, 1094–1109,
  • Frank, C. et al. includ­ing Keller, J. D. (2020): FAIR: a project to real­ize a user-friend­ly exchange of open weath­er data, Advances in Sci­ence and Research, 17, 115–128,–183-2020
  • Frank, C., Fiedler, S., Crewell, S. (2021): Bal­anc­ing poten­tial of nat­ur­al vari­abil­i­ty and extremes in pho­to­volta­ic and wind ener­gy pro­duc­tion for Euro­pean coun­tries, Renew­able Ener­gy,
  • Jones, C.D., Hick­man, J.E., Rum­bold, S.T., Wal­ton, J., Lam­boll, R.D., Skeie, R.B., Fiedler, , Forster, P., Rogelj, J., et al. (2021): The Cli­mate Response to Emis­sions Reduc­tions
    due to COVID-19: Ini­tial Results from Covid­MIP, Geo­phys­i­cal Research Let­ters, 48, e2020GL091883,
  • van Heer­war­den, C. C., Mol, W. B., Veer­man, M. A., Bene­dict, I. B., Heusinkveld, B. G., Knap, W.H., Kazadzis, S., Kouremeti, N., and Fiedler, S. (2021): Record high solar irra­di­ance in West­ern Europe dur­ing first COVID-19 lock­down large­ly due to unusu­al weath­er, Nature Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Earth & Envi­ron­ment 2, 37,–00110‑0
  • Kas­par, F. et al. includ­ing Fiedler, S., Keller, J. D. (2020): Region­al atmos­pher­ic reanaly­sis activ­i­ties at Deutsch­er Wet­ter­di­enst: Review of eval­u­a­tion results and appli­ca­tion exam­ples with a focus on renew­able ener­gy, Advances in Sci­ence and Research, 17, 115–128,–115-2020
  • Keller, J. D. and Wahl, S. (2021): Rep­re­sen­ta­tion of Cli­mate in Reanaly­ses — An Inter­com­par­i­son for Europe and North Amer­i­ca, Jour­nal of Cli­mate, 34(5), 1667–1684–0609.1
  • Kneifel, S., Crewell, S., Löh­n­ert, U., Pospichal, B., von Terzi, L., Hagen, M., May­er, B., Zin­ner, T., Puh, M. (2021): Long-term cloud and pre­cip­i­ta­tion sta­tis­tics observed with remote sen­sors at the high-alti­tude Envi­ron­men­tal Research Sta­tion Schneefern­er­haus in the Ger­man Alps, Mete­o­rol­o­gis­che Zeitschrift,
  • Lam­boll, R. D., Jones, C. D., Skeie, R. B., Fiedler, S., Sam­set, B. H., Gillett, N. P., Rogelj, J., and Forster, P. M. (2021): Mod­i­fy­ing emis­sion sce­nario pro­jec­tions to account for the effects of
    COVID-19: pro­to­col for Covid­MIP, Geo­sci­en­tif­ic Mod­el Devel­op­ment, 14, 3683–3695,–3683-2021
  • Neher, I. et al. includ­ing S. Crewell (2020): Long-term vari­abil­i­ty of solar irra­di­ance and its com­pli­ca­tions for pho­to­volta­ic pow­er in West Africa, Atmos­pher­ic Chem­istry and Physics, 20, 12871–12888,–306
  • Orza, J.A.G., Dhi­tal, S., Fiedler, S., Kaplan, M.L. (2020): Large scale upper-lev­el pre­cur­sors for dust storm for­ma­tion over North Africa and pole­ward trans­port to the Iber­ian Penin­su­la. Part I: An obser­va­tion­al analy­sis, Atmos­pher­ic Envi­ron­ment, 237, 117688,
  • Smith, C. J., Kramer, R. J., Myhre, G., Alter­skjær, K., Collins, W., Sima, A., Bouch­er, O., Dufresne, J.-L., Nabat, P., Michou, M., Yuki­mo­to, S., Cole, J., Payn­ter, D., Shioga­ma, H., O’Connor, F. M., Robert­son, E., Wilt­shire, A., Andrews, T., Han­nay, C., Miller, R., Nazarenko,L., Kirkevåg, A., Olivié, D., Fiedler, S., Lewin­schal, A., Mack­allah, C., Dix, M., Pin­cus, R., and Forster, P. M. (2020): Effec­tive radia­tive forc­ing and adjust­ments in CMIP6 mod­els, Atmos­pher­ic Chem­istry and Physics, 20(16), 9591–9618, https://doi:10.5194/acp-20–9591-2020
  • Stein­heuer, J. and Friederichs, P. (2020): Ver­ti­cal pro­files of wind gust sta­tis­tics from a region­al reanaly­sis using mul­ti­vari­ate extreme val­ue the­o­ry, Non­lin­ear Process­es in Geo­physics, 27, 239–252,–239-2020
  • Stein­heuer, J., Detring, C., Beyrich, F., Löh­n­ert, U., Friederichs, P., and Fiedler, S. (2022): A new scan­ning scheme and flex­i­ble retrieval for mean winds and gusts from Doppler lidar mea­sure­ments, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 3243–3260,–3243-2022
  • Stevens, B. et al. includ­ing Crewell, S. and Löh­n­ert, U. (2020): Large-eddy and Storm Resolv­ing Mod­els for Cli­mate Pre­dic­tion — The Added Val­ue for Clouds and Pre­cip­i­ta­tion, Jour­nal of the Mete­o­ro­log­i­cal Soci­ety of Japan, 98(2), 395–435,–021
  • Thorn­hill, G., Collins, W., Olivié, D., Archibald, A., Bauer, S., Checa-Gar­cia, R., Fiedler, S., Fol­berth, G., Gjer­mund­sen, A., Horowitz, L., Lamar­que, J.-F., Michou, M., Mulc­ahy, J., Nabat, P., Naik, V., O’Connor, F. M., Paulot, F., Schulz, M., Scott, C. E., Sefer­ian, R., Smith, C., Take­mu­ra, T., Tilmes, S., and Weber, J. (2021): Cli­mate-dri­ven chem­istry and aerosol feed­backs in CMIP6 Earth sys­tem mod­els, Atmos­pher­ic Chem­istry and Physics, 21, 1105–1126,–1105-2021
  • Toporov, M. and Löh­n­ert, U. (2020): Syn­er­gy of Satel­lite- and Ground-Based Obser­va­tions for Con­tin­u­ous Mon­i­tor­ing of Atmos­pher­ic Sta­bil­i­ty, Liq­uid Water Path and Inte­grat­ed Water Vapor, Jour­nal of Applied Mete­o­rol­o­gy and Cli­ma­tol­ogy, 59(7), 1153–1170,–0169.1
  • Turn­er, D. D. and Löh­n­ert, U. (2021): Ground-based tem­per­a­ture and humid­i­ty pro­fil­ing: com­bin­ing active and pas­sive remote sen­sors, Atmos­pher­ic Mea­sure­ment Tech­niques, 14, 3033–3048,–3033-2021
  • Val­mas­soi, A., et al. (2020): Irri­ga­tion impact on pre­cip­i­ta­tion dur­ing a heat­wave event using WRF-ARW: The sum­mer 2015 Po Val­ley case, Atmos­pher­ic Research, 241, 104951
  • Val­mas­soi, A., et al. (2020): Region­al Cli­mate Impacts of Irri­ga­tion in North­ern Italy Using a High Res­o­lu­tion Mod­el, Ref­er­ence Mod­ule in Earth Sys­tems and Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ences,
    Atmos­phere, MDPI, 11(1), 72;
  • Val­mas­soi, A., et al., (2020): Eval­u­a­tion of three new sur­face irri­ga­tion para­me­ter­i­za­tions in the WRF-ARW v3. 8.1 Mod­el: the Po Val­ley (Italy) case study, Geo­sci­en­tif­ic Mod­el Devel­op­ment, 13, 3179–3201,–3179-2020
  • Val­mas­soi, A. and Keller, J. D. (2021): How to visu­al­ize the Urban Heat Island in Grid­ded Datasets?, Advances in Sci­ence and Research, 18, 41–49,–41-2021
  • Val­mas­soi, A., et al. (2022): Cur­rent chal­lenges and future direc­tions in data assim­i­la­tion and reanaly­sis,Bul­letin of the Amer­i­can Mete­o­ro­log­i­cal Soci­ety, ear­ly online release,–0331.1