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FESSTVaL: The Field Experiment on Submesoscale Spatio-Temporal Variability in Lindenberg

Pub­lished in Bull. Amer. Mete­or. Soc., 104, E1875–E1892, 2023:

Numer­i­cal weath­er pre­dic­tion mod­els oper­ate on grid spac­ings of a few kilo­me­ters, where deep con­vec­tion begins to become resolv­able. Around this scale, the emer­gence of coher­ent struc­tures in the plan­e­tary bound­ary lay­er, often hypoth­e­sized to be caused by cold pools, forces the tran­si­tion from shal­low to deep con­vec­tion. Yet, the kilo­me­ter-scale range is typ­i­cal­ly not resolved by stan­dard sur­face oper­a­tional mea­sure­ment net­works. The mea­sure­ment cam­paign Field Exper­i­ment on Sub­me­soscale Spa­tio-Tem­po­ral Vari­abil­i­ty in Lin­den­berg (FES­ST­VaL) aimed at address­ing this gap by observ­ing atmos­pher­ic vari­abil­i­ty at the hec­tome­ter-to-kilo­me­ter scale, with a par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on cold pools, wind gusts, and coher­ent pat­terns in the plan­e­tary bound­ary lay­er dur­ing sum­mer. A unique fea­ture was the dis­tri­b­u­tion of 150 self-devel­oped and low-cost instru­ments. More specif­i­cal­ly, FES­ST­VaL includ­ed dense net­works of 80 autonomous cold pool log­gers, 19 weath­er sta­tions, and 83 soil sen­sor sys­tems, all installed in a rur­al region of 15-km radius in east­ern Ger­many, as well as self-devel­oped weath­er sta­tions hand­ed out to cit­i­zens. Bound­ary lay­er and upper-air obser­va­tions were pro­vid­ed by eight Doppler lidars and four microwave radiome­ters dis­trib­uted at three super­sites; water vapor and tem­per­a­ture were also mea­sured by advanced lidar sys­tems and an infrared spec­trom­e­ter; and rain was observed by a X‑band radar. An uncrewed air­craft, mul­ti­copters, and a small radiome­ter net­work car­ried out addi­tion­al mea­sure­ments dur­ing a 4‑week peri­od. In this paper, we present FESSTVaL’s mea­sure­ment strat­e­gy and show first obser­va­tion­al results includ­ing unprece­dent­ed high­ly resolved spa­tiotem­po­ral cold-pool struc­tures, both in the hor­i­zon­tal as well as in the ver­ti­cal dimen­sion, asso­ci­at­ed with over­pass­ing con­vec­tive sys­tems.

Authors: Cathy Hoheneg­ger, Felix Ament, Frank Beyrich, Ulrich Löh­n­ert, Hen­ning Rust and the FES­ST­VaL team

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