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How many Doppler lidars do we need to improve forecasts?

Pub­lished in Quar­ter­ly Jour­nal of the Roy­al Mete­o­ro­log­i­cal Soci­ety, 1– 19, 2022:

This work focus­es on the poten­tial of a net­work of Doppler lidars for the improve­ment of short-term fore­casts of low-lev­el wind. For the impact assess­ment, we devel­oped a new method­ol­o­gy that is based on ensem­ble sen­si­tiv­i­ty analy­sis (ESA). In con­trast to pre­ced­ing net­work design stud­ies using ESA, we cal­cu­late the explic­it sen­si­tiv­i­ty includ­ing the inverse of the back­ground covari­ance matrix to account direct­ly for the local­iza­tion scale of the assim­i­la­tion sys­tem. The new method is applied to a pre-exist­ing con­vec­tive-scale 1,000-member ensem­ble sim­u­la­tion to mit­i­gate effects of spu­ri­ous cor­re­la­tions. We eval­u­ate rel­a­tive changes in the vari­ance of a fore­cast met­ric, that is, the low-lev­el wind com­po­nents aver­aged over the Rhein–Ruhr met­ro­pol­i­tan area in Ger­many. This set­up allows us to com­pare the rel­a­tive vari­ance change asso­ci­at­ed with the assim­i­la­tion of hypo­thet­i­cal obser­va­tions from a Doppler wind lidar with respect to the assim­i­la­tion of sur­face-wind obser­va­tions only. Fur­ther­more, we assess sen­si­tiv­i­ties of derived vari­ance changes to a num­ber of set­tings, name­ly obser­va­tion errors, local­iza­tion length scale, reg­u­lar­iza­tion fac­tor, num­ber of instru­ments in the net­work, and their loca­tion, as well as data avail­abil­i­ty of the lidar mea­sure­ments. Our results demon­strate that a net­work of 20–30 Doppler lidars leads to a con­sid­er­able vari­ance reduc­tion of the fore­cast met­ric cho­sen. On aver­age, an addi­tion­al net­work of 25 Doppler lidars can reduce the 1–3 hr fore­cast error by a fac­tor of 1.6–3.3 with respect to 10‑m wind obser­va­tions only. The results pro­vide the basis for design­ing an oper­a­tional net­work of Doppler lidars for the improve­ment of short-term low-lev­el wind fore­casts that could be espe­cial­ly valu­able for the renew­able ener­gy sec­tor.

Offi­cial title: Esti­mat­ing the ben­e­fit of Doppler wind lidars for short-term low-lev­el wind ensem­ble fore­casts

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